Party Like a Journalist

Let's unpack the tragedy of the commons myth.

Party Like a Journalist
Photograph by Andi Galdi Vinko

LISTENING: to the heater whirl
FEELING: kinda sick
SEEING: my girl Angely Mercado do some work

I'm in Philadelphia this week for the Society of Environmental Journalists conference. It's only my second time at one of these things, and it's been so rewarding so far. I've got a few panels.

I'm writing this on Wednesday after I sat alongside Indigenous and Black activists to talk about the tragedy of the commons myth. Friday, I'll be on a panel put together by The Uproot Project to talk about mental health. Saturday, I'll be discussing the important work of newsletter writing, which you all make possible with your ongoing support of Possibilities.

In my session today about the myth that humans are guided by greed and individualism and will always destroy the lands and waters that they share, I forgot to raise one urgent and poignant example. I'm so mad at myself for not sharing it with my room of attendees, but at least I can share it with you all here.

Welcome to Possibilities, a creative climate newsletter on the possibilities that lie where crisis meets community. I’m Yessenia Funes, and I'm back to talking about Palestine.

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